Date: October 30, 2009
Run by: Matt Adams
Notes by: Matt Adams
Attendees: Teija Springman, Bill Keaggy, Brooke IllaHuston, Patrick Dodson, Parker Lee, Marvin Gaviola, Lyra Pitzman, Charyl Looper, Tim May, Matt Adams, Nitya Wakhlu, Kerwin Carmbot
Libations: Kerwin's Spooky Witch's Brew (cider+ginger) spikable with rum or vodka
Ingredients: Pumpkins, carving tools, votive candles
Ingredients: Pumpkins, carving tools, votive candles
Today, we took visual thinking to the pumpkin patch and carved up a storm.
4:00 - Icebreaker
Take a 3" x 5" notecard and write your name on one side. On the other side, draw a visual depiction of your first or most memorable trick-or-treating experience.

4:10 - Drawing

5:40 - Voting
Everyone filled out their ballots for the best-in-show of each category.

5:50 - Awarding
2009 Best in Show winners:
Today, we took visual thinking to the pumpkin patch and carved up a storm.
4:00 - Icebreaker
Take a 3" x 5" notecard and write your name on one side. On the other side, draw a visual depiction of your first or most memorable trick-or-treating experience.
4:10 - Drawing
After we got familiar, everyone drew a piece of paper from a plastic jack-o-lantern. On the paper was one of three categories from which they were to create their pumpkin design from.

4:20 - Carving
People got to work carving creations in the Spooky, Funny and Custom categories.

5:30 - Presenting
4:20 - Carving
People got to work carving creations in the Spooky, Funny and Custom categories.
5:30 - Presenting
Once everyone was done, the quintessential step of adding and lighting votive candles commenced.
5:40 - Voting
Everyone filled out their ballots for the best-in-show of each category.
5:50 - Awarding
2009 Best in Show winners:
Spooky category: Teija Spingman's, "Spooky"
Funny category: Brooke Huston's, "Bozo"
Custom category: Charyl Looper's, "Skelegord"
... and the Grand Prize winner: Marvin Gaviola with his "Underbiten Cyclops"

5:55- + / △
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5:55- + / △
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